December 4, 2016

Italy Votes "No" - Dec 12, 2016

Italy indeed voted "No" to the constitutional changes being proposed by the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. What are the implications?

It is now with extreme interest that I will be digging through information to figure out the investing implications. I will also be watching the Dow Jones and Dow Transports to see the reaction on this side of the pond.

So far the markets have been undecided on their trend, which has meant the trend remained "Up" despite a lot of speculation that a bear market was "just around the corner". While the Dow Jones has been surging to new highs, the Transportations have failed to confirm. This news may solidify the euphoric stage of the Bull Market we've been experiencing in the US the last few years, but this won't happen until the Transport index surpasses the mark I've been telling you about for a couple of months.

It's going to be an interesting week.