Disclaimer and Legal Stuff

Terms of Use
In order to protect ourselves from unsightly folks who might get angry if we, or they, make a mistake or incur losses by investing money as a direct result of information we post here, we need to get some legal stuff out of the way.

To summarize - and as we ALWAYS say - get professional advice before making any investment decisions. In short, use this site at your own risk, because in using the site you agree to the terms outlined below. It's our way of asking you to have some grace with us and to force you to do your own due diligence in making investment decisions.

By using this site, you agree that you will not hold Macro Investor nor our staff, owners, or partners liable for any loss or damage you incur as a direct or indirect result of the information and/or links contained on the site. Furthermore, we will not be held liable for damages or losses resulting from the act or omission of any party involved in making this site or the data contained in it available, or from any other cause relating to your access to, inability to access, or use of the site or these materials.

Decisions based on information contained on this site are the sole responsibility of the user, and in exchange for using this site, you agree to hold Macro Investor and its affiliates, owners and/or writers harmless against any claims for damages arising from any decision you make based on such, or any other information contained in the site. Nothing contained on this site should be used or construed as a professional offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any security. Nor is it intended as investment, tax, financial or legal advice, either personal or professional. Investors should seek such professional advice for their particular situation.

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You may use any of the content on this site for personal use, as long as you keep any copyright information and links to original sources in tact. You may not use the information on this site for commercial use, which includes distributing our content electronically or by print in any form. If you would like to use information found on this site, please obtain written permission by emailing me at  mcguireryan at gmail dot com to obtain written permission and terms of use.