The headline seems like pretty general advice doesn't it? But that's exactly my plan moving into the summer. In fact, I'm already starting as things look decidedly bad out there in the digital world of stocks, and in the real world of people. I'm even considering some bonds (gasp!) to offset what I think will be a volatile summer. I could buy more gold, and I will likely do that as well, but the markets are favoring bonds and well ... the trend is your friend, right? Until it becomes your enemy. So stay alert out there!
Here's what I'm seeing in the Dow/Transportation relationship ....

There was a really interesting story I read yesterday on Reuters (which was pulled a few minutes after I finished reading it ... strange!) about Israel's anger toward Iran. Apparently Israel still thinks she will attack Iran if the country continues with its nuclear program. If that happens, it will not be good for anyone, folks. This is not the way to bring peace ... but since when do the quacks and sociopaths that seem to be running the world care about peace? They fight each other with words and insults, and then convince their own populations to fight one another with guns.
Quite frankly, it makes me sad that many thousands of years into our existence, we still haven't figured out how to love one another - even through we have some of the clearest examples of love and peace winning over war and violence (Jesus and Ghandi come to mine as easily accessible figures). Ironically, even those who follow Jesus, the prince of Peace, seem to lack some basic foundational understanding of their own savior. I listened to a podcast about a former Catholic turned Atheist, who detailed all of the problems she had with the bible. I kept thinking as she mentioned thing after thing, that her biggest problem isn't the bible, it's that she was reading the bible as if it were written by a 21st Century author, and as if the whole thing was meant to be written as a series of truth-statements. In fact, I believe that's most people's problem. There's a whole cultural history behind that book ... or rather ... series of documents, and a whole set of symbolism and metaphors and philosophies which are far removed from our way of thinking ... so picking up a bible is a lot like picking up a loaded gun. Caution and education on ancient culture and ancient ways of thinking is warranted.
OK this is severely departing from my regular musings, so I regress.
Here's what I'm seeing in the Dow/Transportation relationship ....

There was a really interesting story I read yesterday on Reuters (which was pulled a few minutes after I finished reading it ... strange!) about Israel's anger toward Iran. Apparently Israel still thinks she will attack Iran if the country continues with its nuclear program. If that happens, it will not be good for anyone, folks. This is not the way to bring peace ... but since when do the quacks and sociopaths that seem to be running the world care about peace? They fight each other with words and insults, and then convince their own populations to fight one another with guns.
Quite frankly, it makes me sad that many thousands of years into our existence, we still haven't figured out how to love one another - even through we have some of the clearest examples of love and peace winning over war and violence (Jesus and Ghandi come to mine as easily accessible figures). Ironically, even those who follow Jesus, the prince of Peace, seem to lack some basic foundational understanding of their own savior. I listened to a podcast about a former Catholic turned Atheist, who detailed all of the problems she had with the bible. I kept thinking as she mentioned thing after thing, that her biggest problem isn't the bible, it's that she was reading the bible as if it were written by a 21st Century author, and as if the whole thing was meant to be written as a series of truth-statements. In fact, I believe that's most people's problem. There's a whole cultural history behind that book ... or rather ... series of documents, and a whole set of symbolism and metaphors and philosophies which are far removed from our way of thinking ... so picking up a bible is a lot like picking up a loaded gun. Caution and education on ancient culture and ancient ways of thinking is warranted.
OK this is severely departing from my regular musings, so I regress.