November 15, 2012

Nov 15, 2012 - Buy and Sell By the Numbers, Not Sentiment

By Ryan McGuire

If the transportation index fails to break 4847.73, and the Dow fails to break 12,101.46 - precisely - the bull remains in tact. So far, the Dow's breach of 13,000 is within normal correction territory. So don't listen to everyone saying "the end is near!"

From our perspective, it's not - and a great buying opportunity may be at foot. Just to be safe, though, buyer beware: focus on high quality companies with no/low debt, stable cash-flows and good assets on the books. They may be boring, but you won't lose your shirt if this thing goes south due to some 'unforeseen' event like Greece financially imploding or the US government doing something fiscally stupid or irresponsible.