November 19, 2012

November 19th, 2012 - Big Bounce

After I called an intermediate bottom last Friday, lo and behold Monday has seen a big rally. Is it magic? No, it's physics.

So where are we now?

You can see where I've marked the new intermediate lows and some of the notable trend lines that tipped me off as to where we were headed next. It will be interesting to see how far the next rally takes us. I have some suspicions that this next rally will be a critical one. As sentiment starts to turn positive, the markets may do some funny things over the next couple of weeks, and we might see some dislocations on the positive side that will warn us ahead of time of impending bulls or bears. All-in-all, if you are getting in, be on red alert for signals that the next rally is spent.

Since I'm focusing on long-term investing and not short term trading, I am waiting to make big purchases. This is just me. Consult a pro if you are unsure if this is the right time for you to buy or hold.

Am I selling good companies that have traded down with the trend? NO #@$% WAY! 

I'd like to send a shout out to Mike Ward, Bill Palaton and Kieth Fitzgerald of the Money Map press, whose reasonably priced services, "Private Briefing" and "Money Map Report" have been a great help to me. Also, a shout out to Jeff Clark and the whole gang over at Casey Research - their publication  "Big Gold" is a must for these crazy times in my books, especially if you are unable to afford the more expensive newsletters. One last shout out goes to MPL research, for their excellent bi-weekly newsletter, "Investor's Digest of Canada" and their fantastic subscription site, "". As Canadian, these resources have been invaluable.

Adios for now,

P.S I have not been reimbursed nor given any compensation whatsoever for mentioning the newsletter services above. I am just a big fan of promoting good businesses.